We are updating this page with news from the State of Oregon and federal sources. We will post materials with Hmong translation when possible. Many of these resources are curated from other partners in and out of Oregon.
COVID-19 is a national crisis and we are working diligently to get you proper information to stay safe and informed. We will use our HACO Facebook page as our primary method of reaching out to you all.
Click here for latest resources: linktr.ee/hacopdx
Oregon Hmong Community COVID-19 Relief Fund 2.0
November 17, 2020 Update: We have now opened up our second round our COVID-19 Relief funds! Intake forms are open until funds run out.
For this second round of COVID-19 relief funding, HACO has received a grant from the Oregon Health Authority to offer small financial relief to members of our Hmong community who have been impacted with economic hardship due to COVID-19. We are distributing immediate cash assistance to Hmong families in the form of checks. The amount given will be based on family size. For this round, we are committed to providing $60 per family member up to a maximum of $300. Due to the limitation of our funds, we are limiting assistance to one per family. Those who received funding in the first round can apply again but we are prioritizing families who did not receive funding in our first round.
There are no restrictions on what the funding can be used for. We realize that the amount given may not be significant and we wish that we could do more. However, this is not meant to be a long term solution. HACO is advocating for more long term solutions with local and state governments to support the Hmong community and we will inform you if the situation changes. Your participation and response in the intake form is critical in helping us advocate for ongoing assistance and funding on your behalf.
Please complete this intake form, if you have experienced economic hardship due to COVID-19. The responses to the questionnaire will only be used by HACO for the purpose of distributing this funding. Be assured we will honor your privacy.
If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 503-333-6958.
For this second round of COVID-19 relief funding, HACO has received a grant from the Oregon Health Authority to offer small financial relief to members of our Hmong community who have been impacted with economic hardship due to COVID-19. We are distributing immediate cash assistance to Hmong families in the form of checks. The amount given will be based on family size. For this round, we are committed to providing $60 per family member up to a maximum of $300. Due to the limitation of our funds, we are limiting assistance to one per family. Those who received funding in the first round can apply again but we are prioritizing families who did not receive funding in our first round.
There are no restrictions on what the funding can be used for. We realize that the amount given may not be significant and we wish that we could do more. However, this is not meant to be a long term solution. HACO is advocating for more long term solutions with local and state governments to support the Hmong community and we will inform you if the situation changes. Your participation and response in the intake form is critical in helping us advocate for ongoing assistance and funding on your behalf.
Please complete this intake form, if you have experienced economic hardship due to COVID-19. The responses to the questionnaire will only be used by HACO for the purpose of distributing this funding. Be assured we will honor your privacy.
If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 503-333-6958.
Updated (August 2020) information for tenants and renters
Information from: https://www.myoregon.gov/2020/08/12/renters-know-your-rights/
STEP 1: Know Your Rights
The Oregon Legislature passed a law so landlords in Oregon can’t do the following until October 1: 1. give a notice of termination for nonpayment of rent or fees due between April 1 and September 30; 2. give a notice of termination without cause; 3. report unpaid rent or fees to credit agencies; or 4. charge fees for late rent. After the eviction moratorium ends on October 1, renters have until March 31, 2021 to catch up on any rent payments they missed between April and October 2020. But landlords can give notices of termination or file evictions for other reasons, both during and after the moratorium. Get more information at OregonLawHelp.org. STEP 2: Write to Your Landlord If you think you might struggle to pay rent, tell your landlord in writing and save a copy. Many programs assist renters prior to falling behind or help renters get caught up on rent. Ask for help right away. STEP 3: CALL 2-1-1 or Visit 211.info.org Contact the Community Action Agency (CAA) near you. You may qualify for help with rent, energy, and more. CAAs provide information for free. Due to the large number of requests, there may be a waiting period to qualify for and/or get assistance. STEP 4: Gather Information In addition to state and federal assistance, some local programs, non-profits, or religious organizations might be able to help. Also, you may be able to set up a partial payment plan with your landlord. This option is voluntary but could help reduce the back rent that you owe at the end of the grace period (March 2021). Information is changing rapidly, so continue to look for news from the Governor’s office, state agencies, and trusted organizations. STEP 5: Get Ready If you don’t pay October’s rent, your landlord can give you a notice of termination for nonpayment of October’s rent, and then file for eviction if you don’t pay your rent. You may also get a notice from your landlord requiring you to tell them within 14 days if you plan to use the six-month grace period to pay back any outstanding rent. You must respond and tell your landlord if you plan to use the grace period. (It’s best to respond in writing, and to keep a copy.) The Oregon Law Center and the Community Alliance of Tenants have sample letters you can use to let your landlord know that you plan to use the grace period. If you don’t tell your landlord, they can charge a penalty of half of one month’s rent, after March 31, 2020. Remember, you have to catch up on any rent you didn’t pay between April and October 2020 by March 31, 2021. This information can be complex. Please visit The Oregon Law Center and the Community Alliance of Tenants websites for more in-depth information. Take Care of Yourself These are difficult times and continued stress can affect sleep, mental health and relationships. 211 provides resources and NAMI Oregon has a free mental health hotline for support. |
Tsis Pub Ntiab Neeg Tawm Vim Muaj Tus Kab Mob COVID-19: 5 Theem uas Pab Pov Hwm Neeg uas Xaub Tsev
THEEM 1: Paub Koj Tej Cai Oregon Pawg Neeg Tsim Kev Cai twb tsa ib txoj kev cai xwv kom cov tswv tsev hauv Oregon ua tsis tau tej no mus txog thaum lub Kaum Hli Ntuj hnub tim 1: muab ib daim ntawv ceeb toom tias yuav ntiab tawm vim tsis them nqi xaub tsev los sis lwm cov nqi thaum lub Plaub Hli Ntuj hnub tim 1 mus txog lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj hnub tim 30; muab ib daim ntawv ceeb toom tias yuav xaus thaum tsis muaj ib lub ntsiab zoo; thaum tib neeg tsis them nqi xaub tsev los sis lwm cov nqi lawv qhia tsis tau mus rau cov koom haum tiv nqi; los sis tsub nqi ntxiv vim them nqi lig lawm Tom qab lub sij hawm uas txwv tsis pub ntiab neeg tawm thaum lub Kaum Hli Ntuj hnub tim 1, cov neeg xaub tsev muaj sij hawm txog lub Peb Hlis Ntuj hnub tim 31, 2021 kom caum tau kev them cov nqi xaub tsev uas lawv khaj thaum lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj mus txog lub Kaum Hli Ntuj 2020. Tiam sis cov tswv tsev muaj cai ua ntawv ceeb toom hais tias yuav ntiab tawm los sis xaus rau lwm lub ntsiab, nov yog rau lub sij hawm txwv no thiab tom qab lub sij hawm no dhau los lawm los tau. Kawm ntxiv nyob ntawm OregonLawHelp.org. THEEM 2: Sau Ntawv mus rau Koj tus Tswv Tsev Yog koj xav tias yuav nyuaj rau koj them nqi xaub tsev. sau ntawv qhia rau koj tus tswv tsev paub thiab khaws ib daim luam cia. Muaj ntau yam kev pab rau cov neeg xaub tsev uas poob qab los sis xav tau kev pab them lawv tej nqi xaub tsev. Thov kev pab tas sim ntawd. THEEM 3: HU 2-1-1 los sis Xyuas 211.info.org Tiv tauj rau lub Koom Haum Pab Koog Zej Zog (Community Action Agency, CAA) uas nyob ze koj. Tej zaum koj yuav tsim nyog tau kev pab them nqi xaub tsev, nqi fai fab thiab ntxiv. Cov CAA muab tau xov xwm txog tej no pub dawb. Vim hais tias muaj neeg coob uas thov, tej zaum yuav tau tos me ntsis seb puas tsim nyog tau thiab/los sis txais tej kev pab no. THEEM 4: Khaws tej xov xwm Ntxiv rau lub xeev thiab tuam tsoom fwv tej kev pab, muaj tej kev pab hauv nroog, cov koom haum uas tsis tau paj, los sis cov koom haum teev ntuj kuj pab tau thiab. Tsis tas li ntawd xwb, tej zaum koj yuav nrog koj tus tswv tsev sib ntaus tswv yim kom them ib feem ntawm tus nqi los tau. Tsis tas yuav ua li no tiam sis ua li no yuav pab txiav tus nqi xaub tsev uas koj tshuav rau yav thaum ub thaum lub sij hawm tos no kawg uas yog thaum lub (Peb Hli Ntuj 2021). Tej xov xwm ib sij hloov, ces mloog tej xov xwm uas los ntawm tus Tswv Xeev Teb lub hoob kas, lub xeev cov koom haum, thiab cov koom haum uas yus ntseeg tau. THEEM 5: Npaj Siab Yog koj tsis them tus nqi xaub tsev rau lub Kaum Hli Ntuj, koj tus tswv tsev muaj cai ua ntawv ceeb toom hais tias yuav xaus vim koj tsis them tus nqi rau lub Kaum Hli Ntuj, ces mam li ua ntaub ntawv yuav ntiab neeg tawm yog koj tsis them koj tus nqi xaub tsev. Tej zaum koj yuav tau ntawv ceeb toom los ntawm koj tus tswv tsev hais tias koj yuav tsum qhia rau lawv paub hauv 14 hnub hais tias koj puas yuav siv lub sij hawm rau hli so no pab them tej nqi xaub tsev uas koj tseem tshuav lawv nqi. Koj yuav tsum teb thiab qhia koj tus tswv tsev yog koj yuav siv lub sij hawm so no. (Tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog ua ntawv qhia, thiab khaws ib daim luam cia.)Oregon lub Koom Haum rau Kev Cai Lis Choj thiab lub Koom Haum rau Neeg Xaub Tsev muaj cov qauv txog tej tsab ntawv no uas koj mam li siv los qhia rau koj tus tswv tsev paub hais tias koj yuav siv lub sij hawm so no. Yog koj tsis qhia rau koj tus tswv tsev paub, lawv muaj cai tsub nqi li ib nrab tus nqi xaub tsev rau ib hlis, tom qab lub Peb Hlis Ntuj hnub tim 31, 2020. Nco ntsoov hais tias, koj yuav tau caum qab tej nqi xaub tsev uas koj tsis tau them thaum lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj mus txog lub Kaum Hlis Ntuj 2020 ua ntej lub Peb Hlis Ntuj hnub tim 31, 2021. Tej zaum cov xov xwm no nyuaj to taub. Thov xyuas hauv Oregon lub Koom Haum rau Kev Cai Lis Choj thiab lub Koom Haum rau Neeg Xaub Tsev tej chaw website yog xav paub ntxiv Tu Koj tus Kheej Nov yog ib lub caij nyuaj thiab muaj kev nyuaj siab ntau uas ua rau yus tsis txawj tsaug zog, xiam paj hlwb thiab tsis nrog lwm tus neeg sib raug zoo. 211 muab tej kev pab thiab lub Teb Chaws lub Koom Haum txog Kev Mob Paj Hlwb hauv Oregon muaj ib tug naj npawb xov tooj hu neeg pab thaum mob hlwb pub dawb. |
Small Business Support (we will continue to add to this list)
FedEx #SupportSmall Grants --> Applications open May 25
$5,000, plus a $500 credit from FedEx Office that can be used for printing banners, posters, floor graphics, custom branded boxes, and more.
Who is eligible?
You must be older than 18; be a U.S.-based for-profit small business in operation and selling for more than 1 year, with less than 50 employees; have less than $5 million in annual sales revenue in 2019; and have shipped in the last 12 months and/or plan to ship in the coming 12 months as part of your business. Non-profits, franchised businesses, direct-seller/reseller businesses, independent consultants and previous winners in the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest are not eligible to apply for this grant.
$5,000, plus a $500 credit from FedEx Office that can be used for printing banners, posters, floor graphics, custom branded boxes, and more.
Who is eligible?
You must be older than 18; be a U.S.-based for-profit small business in operation and selling for more than 1 year, with less than 50 employees; have less than $5 million in annual sales revenue in 2019; and have shipped in the last 12 months and/or plan to ship in the coming 12 months as part of your business. Non-profits, franchised businesses, direct-seller/reseller businesses, independent consultants and previous winners in the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest are not eligible to apply for this grant.
What is the 2019 Novel Coronavirus? |
Protecting yourself and your family |
Qhov 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) yog ib yam kab mob vais lav tshiab uas yog ua kab mob rau
feem txoj kev ua pa. Nws kis ib tus rau ib tus los yeej tau.Qhov kab mob vais lav xub pib nyob rau Wuhan, Suav Teb, thiab tam sim no tau kis mus rau txawv tebchaws lawm, nrog rau Tebchaws Mekas thiab. Vim yam kab mob vais lav no tseem tshiab, peb tseem tsis tau paub txhua yam, tiamsis peb niaj hnub kawm ntxiv txog tus kab mob COVID-19. Tej chaw saib xyuas kev noj qab nyob zoo hauv Minnesota yeej mob siab txog qhov no heev thiab npaj tias tsam ho muaj tej tug ho mob nyob peb cheeb tsam. Tsis txhob lam kwv yees tias leejtwg ho kis qhov mob no. Kev kis yeej tsis xaiv ntsej muag, leejtwg kis mob los tau. Tsos mob Cov neeg uas mob COVID-19 muaj tej tsos mob uas nyob raws theem mob mentsis mus rau theem mob hnyav heev ntawm: ▪ Ua npaws ▪ Hnoos ▪ Txog siav Cov neeg uas mob COVID-19 yuav tsum nyob hauv tsev thaum lawv mob. Tsis txhob tawm rooj li, tsuas yog mus cuag kev kho mob nkaus xwb. Hu rau koj tus kws kho mob yog tias koj cheem tsum kev pab kho mob. Tiv thaiv koj tus kheej thiab koj lub zej zog Yam kev zoo tshaj rau koj los mus tiv thaiv kom txhob kis tau tus kab mob COVID-19 yog ib yam li tej kev uas koj ua los tiv thaiv koj tus kheej ntawm tau khaub thuas thiab ua npaws loj: ▪ Nqhuag ntxuav tes nrog xaub npum. ▪ Nyob hauv tsev yog tias koj muaj mob khaub thuas. ▪ Npog qhov ncauj thaum hnoos. ▪ Tu ntsis thiab ntxuav kab mob tawm rau tej yam khoom uas niaj zaus kov thiab tej npoo ntug ntawm rooj tog |
Hmong Innovating Politics created in language posters to show how properly wash your hands and more! See posters on their website here.
Oregon's Re-opening Status |
Need food? |
Governor Kate Brown has released information on how the state of Oregon will be reopening in phases. The State of Oregon website has all information and is translated to Hmong with Google Translation. As of August 2020, Multnomah County is in Phase 1 of re-opening and has not advanced to Phase 2.
Visit the State of Oregon website here for more information on Oregon's re-opening. |